12 Habits Of Successful Students: Turn Small Actions Into Big Wins
In this post, we cover 12 habits of successful students and how you can use these small, manageable actions to create some big wins for you and your child.
In this post, we cover 12 habits of successful students and how you can use these small, manageable actions to create some big wins for you and your child.
I remember in elementary school memorizing my math times tables… what stands out most to be is the “mad minute.” It was a short quiz of 20 multiplication problems and we were given one minute to complete them… and it could probably be defined as the most stressful 60 seconds of my young life! Now, … Read more
Cell phones and smart home systems can certainly sidetrack students while they’re trying to study. But voice command devices can also be powerful tools to help students study and encourage them to stay organized.
In this blog, learn five ways your child can use Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, or a similar voice command device to their advantage while doing schoolwork.
The Nation’s Report Card for 2022 shows average student scores are slipping to historic lows. The report highlights the extended impacts of COVID-related school disruptions. But I would argue this downward trend started before the pandemic.
In this article, I’ll break down the new test score data, three reasons I think contributed to the declining scores, and then share what parents can do to help their kids catch up.
I didn’t think I needed a coach when I set out to compete in my first triathlon. I was like all the kids who come to us thinking they don’t need a tutor. Here’s why I was wrong and what I learned, through my coach, that crosses over into academics.