what are executive functioning skills for students

What Are Executive Functioning Skills and Why Do They Matter?

Everyone has executive functioning skills, but just like the ability to play a musical instrument, some people’s skills are more developed and stronger than those of others.

While the concept of executive functions may be a complicated one, there is one simple fact: strong executive functioning skills are absolutely vital for long-term success in school.

ADHD Homework Help at ectutoring.com

With ADHD Homework Can Be Tough: Here Are 3 Strategies For Success

With ADHD, homework can become a real struggle. It is essential to know how ADHD impacts your child before you can choose the best approach to help them succeed academically.

In this blog, learn different ways ADHD manifests itself in students and effective homework and studying strategies to help get your child moving in the right direction.

Homework without nagging and begging

ADHD And Math: 3 Struggles and How to Help

I remember in elementary school memorizing my math times tables… what stands out most to be is the “mad minute.” It was a short quiz of 20 multiplication problems and we were given one minute to complete them… and it could probably be defined as the most stressful 60 seconds of my young life! Now, … Read more

college and ADHD helping high school students plan ahead

College and ADHD: How to Help Students Plan Ahead

It’s often a challenge for students with ADHD to look ahead toward the future, making it extremely difficult for them to plan for college even if they really want to go.

In this interview, Psychologist and ADHD Expert Dr. Ari Tuckman shares his insight on what parents can do to help their children start thinking ahead and working to reach their collegiate goals.

executive function coach

How an Executive Function Coach Works with ADHD

If your child struggles with goal-oriented thinking, time management, and an inability to complete tasks, you likely have wondered why. There is a good chance that your child is struggling with executive dysfunction. Read on to learn what an executive function coach is and how they can help your child succeed academically. What Is Executive … Read more