How to Use Graphic Organizers for Reading Comprehension and Writing Assignments
Graphic organizers are useful tools for students who need extra help with reading comprehension or with getting their thoughts down on paper.
Graphic organizers are useful tools for students who need extra help with reading comprehension or with getting their thoughts down on paper.
Any parent familiar with the nightly homework struggle knows that where homework gets done can become just a much of an issue as when homework gets done. So a common set of questions we often get from parents is: “Are there any best places to do homework? And where should we avoid?” In this post, … Read more
As a parent, at one point or another you may have found yourself telling your child something along the lines of: “If you get an ‘A’ on your Biology test, I’ll take you shopping,” Or: “Clean your room and you get to play video games for an hour.” Now, on the face of it, rewards … Read more
Needless to say, having administered the SSAT test to hundreds of students in the Northern Virginia area, I get asked about SSAT scores… a lot! And of the questions about the SSAT I usually receive, among the most common include: “What score does my child need to get into ____ school?” “What should my daughter … Read more
When it comes to helping students with college entrance exams, organizing homework folders and binders, or studying for Algebra II, Nana Abrefah can do it all. Since October 2016, Nana has worked with students prepare for their upcoming ACT and SAT exams, improve grades in Algebra II and Pre-Calculus, and helped younger students straighten up … Read more