tips for reluctant readers

7 Ways to Engage your Reluctant Reader this Summer

It can be a tough task to engage your child in summer learning, especially if you have a reluctant reader on your hands. Thankfully, there are some fun and easy ways to incorporate reading without going overboard.

So here are some tips (and book recommendations!) to turn your kids into happy readers over summer break.

my kids don't care about the summer learning slide

Summer Learning Slide: Help! My Kids Don’t Seem to Care About it

I wish I could say it’s easy to find the perfect balance between a carefree, relaxing summer and making sure your kids are invested in summer learning and prepared for the upcoming school year. But I know it’s a challenge. Here’s exactly what used to work in my house when my kids were younger.

Wilson Reading

What is Wilson Reading?

If your child or anyone you know has been diagnosed with any form of dyslexia, then you may have heard of the Wilson Reading Program.

The post breaks down how the program works and what type of learner will benefit the most from it.

The New Keys to Remembering What You Read

I like to think of reading like a vacation.  First, you plan ahead; where will you go?  Which hotel will you choose? What’s important to do when you get there? And along the way, you will take lots of photographs. When you return home, you’ll likely reflect on your trip and flip through all pictures … Read more