Planning ahead and Sunday sessions

Preparing for a Successful School Year and the Power of Sunday Sessions

Strong executive function skills often make all the difference between daily family stress over academics and helping your child become more independent and successful this school year.

In this blog, we asked one of our experienced executive function coaches to weigh in on the type of support kids need to cultivate their executive function skills at the start of the new school year. Plus, learn about the power of Sunday Sessions.

college executive function coaching

Unlocking Independence: How Executive Function Skills Help High School Grads Transition to College Life

Students are used to having a structured schedule and routine while living at home in high school. Once they head off to college, students have a lot more freedom to choose their classes and activities, which can lead to poor time management if not handled correctly.

Learn how to help your new college student find success managing all their new responsibilities.

campus tours and other summer activities to impress colleges

10 Essential Summer Activities for College-Bound Teens

Your child can use this summer as an opportunity to help their future college applications stand out. In fact, summer break is the perfect time for high schoolers to prep for college, explore possible career interests, and demonstrate they are creative and motivated to work hard and go after goals. In this blog, we will explore ten summer activities to impress colleges and ensure future college applications will stand out.

Frequently Asked Questions About College Admissions

Ultimate College Q&A: Your Top College Admissions Questions Answered

We know that the college admissions process can feel overwhelming, but don’t worry – we’re here to help! With the right information and resources, you and your child can confidently navigate this exciting time, no matter if they’re leaving next year or still have a ways to go.

Our College Consultant, Kristin Landis, J.D., is a seasoned pro when it comes to college admissions. In this blog, she’s answering some of the most commonly asked questions to make sure you’re armed with all the knowledge you need to succeed.

college student in library

Get an Inside Scoop on College Admissions

Parents contact our office every day with questions about how their high schoolers can stand out when applying for college and concerns about what they should be doing right now to start the process. So we asked one of our ask our expert College Consultants to weigh in.