Does your child “hate” to read? Here are 6 solutions

Does your child hate to read? Are you frustrated that they refuse to pick up a book and would rather play on their phone and scroll through social media instead? Are you tired of arguing about reading? If so, you’re not alone. Many parents of young readers come to us throwing the white flag around because their child refuses to read.

What most parents do with this problem is to argue. They force their kid to read as part of their homework, which turns reading into a burden and actually makes kids even more resistant to reading. If you ignore this issue now, it’ll get much worse. But how do you encourage reading when it’s the last thing they want to do?

We’ve got answers that work. Check out these six solutions to inspire reading in even the most hesitant bookworm.

  1. Be a Detective

The first step is figuring out what interests your child. Does your son or daughter love baseball? Looking up stats on their favorite player and reading their bios is definitely reading. And so are the articles on Sports Illustrated for Kids. Once your child is hooked, take it one step further by finding related books on the subject. These books will get your kids reading without them even realizing it!

  1. Dig into a Series

Even the most reluctant readers will latch onto a series such as “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” or engage in the short passages of the latest “Guinness Book of World Records.” Don’t worry about whether or not the book is a classic or top-notch literature. The point is to get your child reading. Quite often, when a child enjoys a book, she’ll seek out the next book in the series or another title by the same author.

  1. Reread a Favorite Book

Did you know that students improve their reading fluency when they read a passage or book three times? Repeated readings help with automaticity, not just at that time but also later on.

Moreover, comprehension and fluency are boosted when the student reads books slightly below his current reading level. If your child tends to gravitate towards easier books, allow him to do so.

  1. Use the 5 Finger Rule

Some parents often make the mistake of choosing a book for their child that is a little harder to read than his current level.

If you’re unsure if the book is too difficult, use the five-finger rule. If your child mispronounces five or more words on one page, the book is too hard. If he misses four words, reading will be a challenge, but it can be done. Consider reading the book together; you read two pages, and your child reads one. Children will find more enjoyment in reading when you use this 2:1 ratio. If only two or three mistakes are made, the book is at the child’s interest level and is A-OK. And when your youngster can read an entire page perfectly, the book is likely a bit too easy, but that is perfectly fine for some very reluctant readers.

  1. Unplug the Electronics

Block out time each evening for reading. That means turning off the television, putting down the iPhone and tablet, and having your child sign off TikTok or Instagram. Like DEAR in school, use Drop Everything And Read 15 – 20 minutes before bedtime. This is a great time to instill the love of reading without the distractions of technology.

  1. Relax and Read without Criticizing

Take time to sit back relax, and read aloud with your kids. Take turns, laugh together, and enjoy the moment. As much as possible, don’t correct your child’s mistakes unless they detract from the story’s meaning. When kids feel pressured or judged, they’re less willing to do the task at hand, like reading. When your child begins to associate reading with evening relaxation and the fun of delving into a page-turning book, he’ll be more likely to read independently and for pleasure later on.

Just remember, each child is different, and reading is not something to be forced or thrust upon them! Encourage reading by introducing a variety of books and materials.

If you feel as though there may be more behind your child’s reluctance to read, consider getting a reading tutor. Our tutors help with reading comprehension, accuracy, speed, and more.

Give us a call at (703) 934-8282 or schedule a call below: