At Educational Connections, we’re more than just a tutoring company.
We believe that every student, even the most accomplished ones, can use a little help with optimizing their study habits. For that reason, we incorporate skills like staying organized, planning ahead to reduce procrastination, and study techniques into most everything we do. We offer four services: Subject Tutoring, Executive Function Coaching, Test Prep, and College Consulting.
We meet students where they are. At Educational Connections, we have an outstanding tutoring program proven to fill in your child's learning gaps, keep them on track, improve executive function skills, and make parenthood a lot less stressful.
Solid test scores can make a big difference in whether students are admitted to the college or private school of their choice, even when tests are optional. Our tutors will help your child earn a higher score on high-stakes standardized tests such as the SAT, ACT, and SSAT.
Our Executive Function Coaching is a unique, research-based program to help your child master the skills they need to succeed in school and life. In this program, your child will learn how to get organized, manage their time well, study effectively, and stay motivated.
Our College Consultants will create a custom roadmap to college for your teen. Your student will learn how to position their unique interests, goals, and accomplishments to stand out in the competitive college admissions process.
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Blog and Resources
Common Mistakes Students Make When Preparing for AP Exams & How to Avoid Them
The first weeks of May are quickly approaching and AP teachers are ramping up their review sessions.
However, there are a few things your students should know as they step up their studies at home.
Boosting Student Confidence & Understanding: Review & Preview
Whether it’s preparing for finals, tackling outstanding assignments, or gearing up for standardized tests, the fourth quarter presents a window of opportunity for academic growth.
Many students need help to catch up. The review-preview technique is an effective way to help- and the end of the school year and summer are the perfect time to use it.
Student Spring Fever? Tips to Stay Motivated at the End of the School Year
Despite the fact that motivation naturally lessens in kids after spring break, it’s the time of the year when they likely have the most on their plates. Here are some strategies to keep kids motivated to finish strong.
4 Signs Your Child Needs a Tutor
There are obvious indicators, like grades or a child who regularly complains that they “can’t stand school.” But there are also more subtle signs that a student is struggling academically and needs help.
In this blog, we’ll explore some signs that show your student needs individualized academic attention to catch up and build confidence.
Student Self-Advocacy: Why won’t my child ask for help in class?
Asking for help is not easy for many bright, young students, especially in front of peers. But with the right strategies, almost all kids can learn to communicate their needs to overcome their challenges and stop feeling like they’re the only ones struggling.
Digital SAT: What You Need to Know About the New Test
The SAT just went through its biggest transformation yet as it moved from paper and pencil to an all-digital format.
So what does this move mean for students and for parents who want to help their children succeed? Get answers from the author of Barron’s Digital SAT Study Guide.