How organized is your son or daughter? Be honest. Have you ever walked into his or her bedroom and been confronted by mounds of clothes, toys, and trinkets? Does your child’s backpack serve as a graveyard for papers and old hand-outs? Does your son or daughter bristle at the thought of keeping a calendar and writing down assignments? If you answered yes (or can relate) to any of these questions, you are not alone! For many students, organization does not come naturally. Our kids may understand in theory how to organize, and deep down they may wish they were more organized, but when kids get busy or distracted, taking steps to stay organized is the furthest thought in the world.
Maybe you’ve tried to work with your child on organization and the experience left you both exasperated. Perhaps you are at a loss for how to help your child even get started with organizing. Either way, summer is a wonderful time to tackle organization, set up comfortable and easy to manage systems, and begin a positive routine. Sounds good, right? Easier said than done? Not necessarily. Read on for some simple and easy to implement ideas…
Summer is a great time to tackle those long standing “to dos” that get pushed aside with the daily hustle and bustle of the school year. Work with your child to set up good systems and habits now that will become routine by September and lend to a smooth school year.
1. Explore online calendars and apps with your child.
Have a tech-savvy student? Kids are often much more receptive to using their phones or laptops to stay organized rather than the traditional pen and paper calendar. Check out Google calendars and apps like Awesome Calendar, Calendars by Readdle, and Fantastical. iStudiez Pro and myHomeWork are great options if your student is looking for a digital assignment book to use during the school year.
2. Set attainable goals and map it out!
Organizing the bedroom, closet, play area, and school supplies can feel overwhelming to any student. Work with your student to map out what needs to be done and schedule accordingly. Break it down into small chunks. Using a large whiteboard to organize and plan the to do list can help create accountability.
3. Start early and plan to maintain.
Incorporate your child into the planning process. Organize school supplies and get them ready for fall. As you map out what you want to tackle this summer, also incorporate weekly maintenance sessions. These maintenance sessions will soon become habit and allow you to remain organized all year.
Take advantage of the summer months and instill good habits and routines. While they may seem daunting at first, these new systems will be second nature come fall. In September, won’t it feel nice to start the new school year organized?