The first day of school is (almost) here! Because you’re likely gathering school supplies and getting organized, I wanted to take a quick moment to share one of our favorite homework tools with you. This simple hack keeps students of all ages organized and focused—and it only costs a few dollars!
What is this simple but powerful tool? Watch this video to find out… or scroll on down if you need to save the video for later. (We see you checking your phone in that PTA meeting!)
So what’s the simple tool our tutors love? Whiteboards!
They’re not flashy or tech-savvy, but they still work wonders with elementary, middle, and high schoolers. Read on to learn what you need to know to make this whiteboard trick work in your household.
Tip #1: A week is just right.
Planning for an entire month isn’t realistic, but planning for one day at a time is too short-sighted.
Planning out one week at a time? Well, that’s just right.
Have your child write out the days of the week on their whiteboard, then jot down important due dates that will fall on each day (think tests, quizzes, projects, and homework assignments).
Once the week is filled in, your child will be ready to create daily to-do lists. With that list right in front of them, kids are more likely to accomplish every task—and wipe each one away with a sense of pride and satisfaction!
Tip #2: Do this early in the week.
Have you ever heard the saying, “Failing to plan is planning to fail”?
It’s true. The best way to avoid stress later in the week is to start the week by getting organized.
Make the whiteboard planning session a normal part of your Sunday night or Monday afternoon routine.
This allows children to enter the week clear on what they need to do and confident that they can get it all done.
Tip #3: Let someone else suggest it!
We know you know best. You know you know best. But your child? Well, they may take some convincing.
Don’t take it personally. Most kids resist their parent’s suggestions, especially on sensitive topics like how to stay organized in school.
Most of the time, when a parent tells their child to use this whiteboard strategy, the child will feel like it’s extra work and drag their feet over doing it.
But when someone outside the family coaches your child and empowers them to take ownership of their responsibilities, you’ll be amazed at the difference it can make!
The truth is that kids don’t like being disorganized or falling behind. And having a coach guide them to strategies that will work for them can make them excited to get organized and stay that way… without any nagging from you!
That’s why we’ve built a team of the best executive functioning coaches in DC—to help your child benefit from skills, strategies, and tools just like this one.
Just click below to learn more or request an executive function coach for your child!