Enjoy your child’s senior year without worrying over college application essays. Click here to meet your guide to a stress-free college application process.
Last year, a mom I know did everything right to help her senior write a powerful essay for her college applications… or so she thought.
After looking up the year’s essay prompts for the Common Application, the mom helped her daughter choose a topic. Over the next few days, the child spent hours upon hours outlining, writing, and editing an essay she could be proud of.
So you can imagine the frustration they both felt when not one single school on the child’s list asked for the Common Application essay!
Instead, each school had its own essay requirements. No two were alike.
One school required one 250-word essay from a choice of four available prompts. Another had four required essays, but with a 120-word limit for each. A third required a 500-word essay, but with an additional essay for the honors college application.
This is the surprising truth about college application essays: The requirements have changed a lot over the years, and no two schools are exactly alike!
Parents and students that don’t know how the application process works today often face wasted hours and lots of frustration throughout senior year. But it doesn’t have to be that way!
This year, we’re offering College Application Coaches for one-on-one support throughout the process. (Yes, that includes planning and writing essays for all those applications!) Just click below to learn more.
Do you have any questions about college essays and applications? Do you want to learn more about working with a College Application Coach for a stress-free senior year?
Just submit a request HERE or call 703-934-8282 to speak with an expert now.
We wish you and your child a happy summer and a great senior year. As the college application season approaches, remember—we’re here for you!