I’ve always been fascinated by what motivates students. As a teacher, my most challenging students weren’t those who had a hard time learning the concepts; they were the kids that gave up too easily. And often times, when students give up they lose focus and motivation. Many of these students think they’re simply not smart and that no matter what they do, they won’t be an A or B student. They often have an “I don’t care” or “Why bother?” attitude.
As parents, seeing this struggle in our children is hard to take. If you have a child who has a low frustration tolerance or is easy to give up, check out this article on learning, the brain, and intelligence. I ran across it yesterday while reading the Wall Street Journal and immediately knew I wanted to share it with you!
But don’t stop there, share the article “You Can Grow Your Intelligence” with your child. Psychologists at Stanford and Columbia found that when they used this article to teach a growth mind-set to 7th graders struggling in math, the students showed greater motivation in math class. Have a comment? Post it below or send an email.
Ann Dolin – ann@www.ectutoring.com.php72-34.phx1-1.websitetestlink.com