Learn how to keep kids on task in one of our upcoming free webinars.
With schools closed through the end of the year, many of you are scrambling to figure out homeschooling, an educational journey you didn’t choose but still have to navigate.
First, please hear me say this: You are doing a great job. Whatever schooling looks like for your family right now, we are cheering you on. We hope our content brings encouragement and inspiration, not pressure or shame. Virtual schooling during a pandemic is completely unprecedented, and everyone is figuring this out together.
Now, biggest hurdles we’re seeing families navigate relate to keeping kids mentally and physically healthy, but also learning how to keep them in “study mode” when their worlds have turned upside down overnight.
Figuring out a new routine and structure is a challenge for any family, but if your child struggles with motivation or an inability to focus, you may really feel like you’re in an uphill battle.
I want to help, so I’m putting free webinars in the next few weeks.
I believe these webinars will help you create some (realistic!) structure for a more peaceful and productive environment in your home. Learn more about them below and register to join me. I’ll see you there!
Coffee and Conversation: Motivating Kids When Focus is a Challenge
Join us this Saturday, May 16th from 10-11 am for an interactive dialogue about how to motivate your kids, finish the year strong, and plan for the summer.
Educators Ann Dolin, M.Ed. and Jan Rowe, M.A. will share valuable techniques and tools, guide the discussion, and answer your questions.
No Summer Camps? No Problem! Tips to Help Families during COVID-19
Wednesday, May 20th, 12:15-1:00 PM EST
Are summer camp cancellations and social distancing rules making you think “what is my family going to do this summer?” You might feel defeated, but don’t stress! Our team will reveal how to use your family’s strengths to plan a safe, creative, and enjoyable summer. Join us as we help you discover…
- How to identify and use your family’s strengths
- Ways to feel more excited about this summer
- Thinking “outside the box” to explore new and engaging activities
- How to communicate safety precautions with your family and others
- Using a growth mindset to manage family disagreements
The COVID Slide:
Keeping Reluctant Kids on Track When “Summer Break” Is 6+ Months
June 15, 2020 12:15-1:00 pm
The last six months have been challenging enough for many kids—learning at home, missing friends, staying indoors. Now that summer is here, your child is ready to relax and unwind, but their vision of summer might not match up with yours. No doubt the familiar blue glow and video game sound effects are already flooding your child’s room. How is learning and family fun going to compete with iPads, TVs, and computers?
The unstructured days of summer make it hard to balance your kid’s academics and free time. Competing with the newest tech games and digital platforms seems impossible, but there are many strategies you can use to focus and engage your kid throughout summer.
In this webinar you’ll learn about:
Finding the sweet spot between ‘too much’ and ‘not enough’ summer learning Empowering your child by including them in family meetings and using their strengths to choose “just right” activities Creating flexible schedules that cater to your kid’s needs and take stress off you Reshaping your kid’s idea of school work by “disguising” learning with fun and engaging activities Using free apps and websites to spark curiosity and learning Techniques to collaborate and not dictate to improve communication and avoid power struggles