Free Workshop for Parents

How to Handle Disappointing Grades: Ways to Uncover the Reasons Behind Your Child’s School Performance (& How to Help!)

Disappointing grades are not always a fair indication of how hard your child is trying, how much they’re learning, or what their potential for success is later on in life (especially for those with ADHD and other learning differences).

On the surface, disappointing grades represent a failure at school. But there’s usually a lot more to it and many emotions for parents and students at stake!

In this free virtual workshop for parents on November 7, 2024, from 1-2 PM ET, Author and Educator Ann Dolin, M.Ed., will help parents uncover possible reasons for their child’s grades.

We invite you to join Ann to learn:

What to do if your child comes home with bad grades (and how to prevent over-reacting)

✓ How to talk to your child about their school performance, including some easy conversation starters

✓ Ways to investigate why it’s happening and the two most common reasons for poor grades

✓ What to do about it moving forward, including strategies to help your child study more effectively and stay organized

Whether you should set consequences for your child’s bad grades (or reward them for good grades)

It’s challenging to figure out how to react as a parent when report cards are in, and the results are less than stellar. You will learn this webinar with new strategies to tackle these sticky situations while preserving your relationship with your child.

You MUST register to attend or to receive the replay link. Feel free to invite a friend to join you!