What Does It Mean to Be Twice Exceptional?

In this blog, I wanted to explore the topic of what it means to be twice exceptional. The term twice exceptional (2e) refers to intellectually gifted children who have some form of disability. 2e students are often given special consideration in schools for both their higher-than-average aptitudes and their special needs. There is no clear-cut … Read more

Balance Summer Learning and Family Vacations

For many families, summer is a whirlwind of road trips, family visits, camps, and constantly changing sports schedules. With all of this activity as well as your child wanting a break from school, it can be very easy to let education fall by the wayside.  However, your child can lose a lot of the progress … Read more

What Are the Benefits of Summer Tutoring?

As the summer approaches, you may have your hands full with planning family trips, barbecues, and pool parties. With all the excitement of planning the summer, it is easy to forget about summer assignments and learning. So why would a family choose to tutor over the summer? What are the benefits of summer tutoring? The Benefits … Read more

The Secret behind Student Motivation

Last Tuesday, Educational Connections partnered with Fairfax High School, in Fairfax, Virginia to put on a workshop for students entitled “Academic Skills for College Success.” The presentation was targeted towards students of Fairfax County’s College Partner Program and AVID students. The audience was made up of a handful of 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students … Read more

Teaching SAT and ACT Test-taking Strategies

I’ve worked with many of Educational Connections’s tutors to coach them on how to teach SAT and ACT test preparation to students. Nearly every time I go through the test-taking strategies with our tutors, I hear something along the lines of, “I wish I knew this stuff when I was taking the SAT.” These strategies … Read more