Is It Important to Set Academic Goals for Kids?

Does your child get easily frustrated by new or challenging material in school?  Have you noticed a decrease in your son or daughter’s motivation towards school?  All too often kids feel overwhelmed by global expectations and large, general goals.  And when miracles don’t happen overnight, confidence and motivation take a nosedive.  This can be particularly … Read more

What is an Educational Coach?

Does your son fully grasp the material he is learning in the classroom but struggle to complete assignments on time? Maybe he does his assignments but cannot find his completed work on the due date? Does your daughter spend hours “studying” for her tests – reading her text book and notes over and over again- … Read more

Yearlong versus Traditional Schools: Are Yearlong Schools the Answer to Closing the Achievement Gap?

Did you know that student can lose up to two months of academic gains over the summer?  Imagine spending the first two months of each new school year trying to catch up and relearn what you learned last year.  Sounds frustrating, right?  It’s no surprise that this setback attributes to the achievement gap.  Think about … Read more