Want to Raise a Good Writer? It All Starts with Reading not Texting

Open any newspaper or education journal and you’re hit with an article about American students lagging behind in math and science.  But in my view, one of the most important skills needed in college and the work force isn’t whether someone can use the quadratic equation, but whether or not the individual can write effectively. … Read more

Does Facebook Make You Smarter?

Learning Through Social Media   Five years ago, as a parent, I would have been hard-pressed to advocate a form of social media to improve my children’s intelligence. However, at a conference this past week, psychologist Tracy Alloway explained how her research suggests otherwise- at least in part. Dr. Alloway has been studying the effects … Read more

Flummoxed by Failure — Or Focused?

I’ve always been fascinated by what motivates students.  As a teacher, my most challenging students weren’t those who had a hard time learning the concepts; they were the kids that gave up too easily.  And often times, when students give up they lose focus and motivation.  Many of these students think they’re simply not smart … Read more

Consider the ACT as an Alternative to the SAT

The SAT exam has always been the college admissions test of choice along the East Coast. However this trend is changing as the ACT gains popularity. The ACT, for years dominant in the central states, is now also gaining popularity on the East Coast. Students are now presented with a choice of college admissions tests. … Read more