There’s no doubt these are trying times. Each day, parents call our office looking for help with an array of homeschooling challenges. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, please hear this: Not one single parent I’ve spoken with claims to have it all figured out. We’re navigating massive shifts as parents, as educators, and as families. It’s hard, but you really are doing a wonderful job.
At EC Tutoring, we’re proud to cheer you on. Read on to discover 5 reasons we believe you should be really proud of yourself right now—and 5 ways we’re here to help when you need an extra boost!
1. You’re figuring out how to homeschool in a crisis.
Homeschooling in a crisis is not like traditional homeschooling. It’s sudden. It’s scattered. It’s scary. But, day by day, you’re adjusting. Celebrate your little victories along the way—the single completed assignment, the successful virtual meeting with a teacher, the 30 minutes of reading your child did today—to stay positive and on-track.
Of course, it’s still normal to feel overwhelmed or discouraged, so I wrote an ebook to help and I’m giving it away for free. Click here to access my free ebook, “Homeschooling During COVID-19: 7 Stress-free Ways to Keep Your Child On Track.” And please feel free to pass that link on to friends or share it on social media! We want to give it to as many parents as possible.
2. You’re a great advocate for your child.
Even as you manage the stress of our “new normal,” you’re continuing to care about your child’s long-term mental health and academic future. It’s a lot, and no one can balance it all perfectly, but we’re so proud to come alongside you as you fight for your child’s best in the present and their future.
If you’re parenting a high schooler, part of that “long-term advocacy” is preparing them for the SAT/ACT. We’re here to help. We’re offering a Virtual Proctored ACT Exam This Saturday, April 11th from 9:00 am - 12:30 pm. Students can take the ACT at home, under timed conditions, and with a proctor present (via Zoom). They’ll gain familiarity with the type of questions, pacing, and stamina required for test day. We’ll even schedule virtual meetings afterward to review a detailed, color-coded score report that identifies your child’s strengths and areas to improve. It’s only $20 to register, so click here to make sure your child doesn’t miss this Saturday’s exam.
3. You’re finding new resources for your child.
You parents are nothing if not resourceful! We’ve seen you master new online tools and discover all sorts of homeschooling tips across the internet. Take a moment and think about all the new apps or websites you’ve used in the last few weeks to help your child connect with others and stay on track. You’re doing a great job tracking down helpful resources!
If you’re still looking for resources to help your AP student prepare for the updated AP Exams, don’t miss our Online AP Coaching program. Studying for an AP Exam is a massive undertaking—even under normal circumstances—and this year’s students may find themselves overwhelmed as they review all of the material, identify which concepts are important to know, make connections between big ideas, and practice timed writing. Our AP Coaches are here to help. Click here to learn more about changes to this year’s exam and click here to match your child with an AP Coach.
4. You’re teaching your child lifelong skills in executive function and focus.
We know it’s not easy teaching your child to work independently and focus on schoolwork from home. But your persistence is worth it! Not only will it give you a few moments of quiet while they work, but it’s also instilling really valuable skills for the long haul.
We believe this is important work, but we also understand it’s a big challenge—especially while quarantined. To help, we’re putting on a free webinar to share some tips, tricks, and suggestions. Click here to register for our free webinar on April 8th: How to Keep Distracted Kids in “Study Mode” (Even If They Have ADHD).
5. You’re getting creative and staying connected.
We’re all practicing social distancing, but none of us is in this alone. We see you getting creative to keep your family connected. As you schedule virtual playdates, family FaceTime calls, and more, you’re reminding your child that no matter how weird life gets, they never have to do it alone.
To help your child stay connected with the outside world and on-track academically, we’re now offering online homeschooling sessions with expert learning coaches. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or isolated, let an expert learning coach take care of all the details of homeschooling and motivate your child to get everything done without your involvement. Whether your child has school-issued assignments, optional and ungraded work, or nothing at all, click here to match your child with a credentialed tutor who can meet with him or her every day—or just as-needed. Get matched, stay connected, and pass off the homeschooling burden to us. You don’t have to do this alone!