3 Stress-free Ways to Stay Organized This School Year 📚

It’s a new school year, and if there’s one thing you can do to set up for success, it’s to start the year organized.

In fact, we’ve found that organization is the key differentiator between students who excel and students who underperform in school. And it doesn’t have to be difficult to get organized and stay that way.

Watch this short video or read on to discover 3 stress-free ways absolutely anyone can use to stay organized this year.

1: Set up a launching pad.

School mornings can be rushed and stressful… but they don’t have to be! Eliminate the stress by setting up a “launching pad” by your front door before the school year begins.

This can be a basket, box, or other designated spot to store everything that has to go out the door on a school morning. (Think backpacks, lunch boxes, sports gear…)

Bonus Tip: Get everything in the launching pad the night before to ensure your morning is organized and stress-free! This will allow the entire family to start each day confident, prepared, and ready for success.

2: Swap binders for accordion folders.

If traditional three-ring binders work for your child, that’s great. Don’t fix what isn’t broken!

But many students struggle to keep those binders organized. That’s why we recommend using accordion folders instead.

These are faster and easier to use (no need to hunt down a hole punch) and still make it easy to label each section for particular subjects’ notes, homework assignments, study materials, and more.

3: Schedule a weekly clean sweep.

On busy school days, even the most organized students can accumulate cluttered paperwork over time. It’s normal! But with a weekly clean sweep, it’s easy to get back on track before things get out of control.

Simply schedule a 20-minute session each week where everyone in the house drops what they’re doing to clean and get organized. This way, your child can take time to organize their backpack, folders, and launch pad without feeling singled out or criticized. They’ll know the whole family is in this thing together!

We hope these tips help you start the new year off strong, but we also understand that some kids benefit from extra coaching to master the organizational skills they need to succeed in school. And we’re here to help!

Click below to learn more about our unique Executive Function Coaching program.

Or call us today to pair your child with a personal coach who will teach them everything they need to know to take ownership of their schoolwork and excel this year (and for years to come)!

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